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Events in History Webquest

Welcome to the 20th Century Webquest!
Throughout the 20th Century, there has been an abundance of political, cultural, and economic events that have added flavor to the American experience. Behind every incident has been a unique and distinguished President.
You are a historian who has been asked to complete a timeline of significant events that have occurred in American History. In order to complete the timeline, you must follow the directions outlined on the Task page. You will be graded according to the rubric on the Evaluation page.

Good luck, Young Historian!

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion

Pennsylvania State Standards

8.1.6.A Understand chronological thinking and distinguish between past, present, and future time.
8.1.6.D Describe and explain historical research.
8.4.6.A Identify and explain the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to world history.